Application Deadline: Monday Oct. 13 2025

Date: Monday Oct. 20, 2025

Time: 6:00-9:00 p.m. (You will be given your exact audition time by October 17, 2025)

Place: Anderson Center Theatre 7850 Five Mine Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45230

Scholarship winners will be notified by phone within 24-hours of the judging decision. Your high school choral director will be informed by email.

2025-26 Audition Schedule

  • Perform a memorized and well-rehearsed from musical theatre repertoire or popular music that showcases the student’s voice and is 2 – 3 minutes.

  • An accompanist will be provided if you do not have one.  Please bring your music selection with you.

  • Provide completed audition form and a 200-300-word statement responding to the question: “How will this scholarship benefit me?”

Scholars will be chosen based upon talent, ability to benefit from the instruction, and potential for contributing to an organized choral program. Financial need will not be a consideration. 

Audition Expectation